Dear Vape Shops, thank you.
Dear Vape Shops,
Thank you for bringing all of the hot, new products in. It upholds an exciting, fresh environment, which, some days, I need things like that to stay positive. You have provided me the opportunity to have sustainable success in my endeavor to rid myself of tobacco. Again, thank you very much.
Now a complaint. Once I find the vape that's right for me, not only do I hope you continue to support it by carrying the coils, I feel it is your DUTY. You did, after all, encourage me to buy it. If I cannot get the necessary hardware for this vape in the future, then it was by no definition a good recommendation.
Few, if any, industries can expect to treat their customers this way and retain them. Resolve this counter-productive behavior and I will write another thank you letter.
Thanks in advance,
Every Vape Customer on the Planet
The Vape It Family appreciates its customers a great deal and we believe that we have a fiduciary obligation to them. In order to actually have the best customer service possible, we must recommend a purchase with confidence, knowing that we will support the item as long as it is still being manufactured. This obligation extends to providing any helpful information at our disposal. For a large portion of our customers, we are their most accessible source for E-cigarette information, so it falls upon us to have it at ready. This mutually-beneficial strategy is superior to all others, so it will continue to be as it is: All about the customer.